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Army Releases Learning Resource for Families Caring for Soldiers

The Army Warrior Transition Command (WTC) has released an online learning resource for family members and caregivers who support the Army’s wounded, ill, and injured soldiers. The tool focuses on informing families about the Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) that supports the Army’s 8,500 soldiers at Warrior Transition Units.  The CTP Learning Module for Families, which can be found on the WTC website, educates caregivers on the seven-part CTP process for soldiers, elements of the soldiers’ individual recovery plan, and the role loved ones play throughout the entire process.  

In addition to the case-based scenarios on how the CTP’s goal settings could apply to individual real-life situations, the learning module includes the following:

• explanations of each of the CTP’s seven stages;

• details on how loved ones can best support a soldier during each step of the process;

• identification and explanation of the medical and nonmedical staff involved;

• a list of resources and informational videos; and

• definitions of regularly used acronyms and terms.

— Source: Warrior Transition Command